ticks in dogs. Remove and prevent ticks.

We're not the only ones looking forward to the sun, blossoms and spring-like temperatures. As soon as the first warm rays of sunshine have touched the ground, annoying little beasts celebrate the end of their hibernation.

At the forefront: ticks.

On grass, bushes and branches close to the ground, they are just waiting to help themselves to the next best blood. They do not differentiate between the victims: birds, forest animals, your four-legged friend or even you all belong to the target group.

Disgusting and harmful to health

Unfortunately, the little animals are not only disgusting, but also really harmful to health. Diseases such as Lyme disease and TBE, which we know from humans, can also affect our four-legged friends. The pathogens are in the saliva of the ticks and can contain bacteria and viruses, which in the worst case can lead to the diseases already mentioned. 

Borrelia are bacteria that often cause symptoms such as fever, signs of paralysis, swelling of the lymph nodes and can damage the nerves, kidneys and heart. TBE - tick-borne encephalitis, is an insidious disease caused by viruses. It can be deadly in humans as well as in our four-legged family members.

So what is the best way to protect ourselves and our loved ones?

ATTENTION. Costs nothing but a few minutes of our time. Searching for the walk and for the play unit on the meadow is mandatory. We should treat our dogs the same way we take a good look at ourselves to be on the safe side.

By the way, the most popular spots for ticks are the armpits, behind the ears, eyebrows, on the chest and the inside of the flanks. For short-haired breeds, it is best to search from paw to head. A brush also helps with our fluffy darlings.

CHEMISTRY. Is and remains the most effective remedy against all biting beasts. But we must keep in mind here that this is about neurotoxins acts, which can not be harmless for dogs and humans.

What happens when it has happened?

And then it happened. A tick has bitten itself. As soon as you have discovered a tick on your darling, it is important to work with special tick tweezers. Form and function are precisely geared towards this.

You should only use standard tweezers in an emergency.

Were you able to remove the tick without leaving any residue? Then disinfect the bite site and it will heal quickly. For this we recommend a silver spray, which you can also find in our shop.

The tick's head got stuck? Contact your veterinarian to be sure.

You can find all anti tick products in our shop